Publication | h5-index | h5-median | |
1. | New Media & Society | 60 | 89 |
2. | Journal of Communication | 48 | 73 |
3. | Public Relations Review | 38 | 58 |
4. | Journal of Computer‐Mediated Communication | 37 | 70 |
5. | Journal of Pragmatics | 37 | 50 |
6. | Journalism | 36 | 46 |
7. | International Journal of Communication | 34 | 57 |
8. | Public Opinion Quarterly | 34 | 55 |
9. | Communication Research | 33 | 62 |
10. | Media, Culture & Society | 32 | 49 |
11. | Journalism Practice | 30 | 41 |
12. | Journal of Advertising | 29 | 41 |
13. | Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media | 29 | 41 |
14. | Journalism Studies | 27 | 34 |
15. | The International Journal of Press/Politics | 26 | 45 |
16. | Journal of Advertising Research | 25 | 48 |
17. | Communication Theory | 24 | 43 |
18. | Human Communication Research | 24 | 43 |
19. | European Journal of Communication | 24 | 42 |
20. | Management Communication Quarterly | 24 | 32 |
– Behaviour and Information Technology
– Electronic Commerce Research
– Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
– European Journal of Information Systems
– European Journal of Marketing
– Information Systems Research
– Information Technology & People
– International Journal of Electronic Business
– International Journal of Electronic Commerce
– International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management
– International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing
– International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
– International Journal of Information Management
– International Journal of Internet Marketing & Advertising
– International Journal of Online Marketing
– International Journal of Research in Marketing
– International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management
– International Journal of Technology Marketing
– Journal of Business Research
– Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
– Journal of Consumer Research
– Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice
– Journal of Electronic Commerce Research
– Journal of End-User Computing
– Journal of Interactive Advertising
– Journal of Interactive Marketing
– Journal of Internet Marketing
– Journal of Management of Information Systems
– Journal of Marketing Channels
– Journal of Marketing Research
– Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce
– Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
– Journal of Services Marketing
– Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
– Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
– Management of Information Systems Quarterly
– The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing
Journal of Digital & Social Media Marketing
International Journal of Marketing Studies
Top publications – Marketing
Publication | h5-index | h5-median | |
1. | Journal of Business Research | 64 | 83 |
2. | Journal of Marketing | 58 | 95 |
3. | Industrial Marketing Management | 56 | 79 |
4. | Journal of Marketing Research | 54 | 85 |
5. | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | 51 | 97 |
6. | Journal of Consumer Research | 50 | 73 |
7. | Marketing Science | 44 | 68 |
8. | European Journal of Marketing | 40 | 57 |
9. | Journal of Consumer Psychology | 35 | 50 |
10. | Journal of Interactive Marketing | 33 | 56 |
11. | Psychology & Marketing | 33 | 43 |
12. | Journal of Retailing | 32 | 53 |
13. | International Journal of Research in Marketing | 32 | 49 |
14. | Journal of Service Research | 31 | 93 |
15. | Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services | 31 | 45 |
16. | The Services Industries Journal | 30 | 40 |
17. | Journal of Services Marketing | 28 | 56 |
18. | Journal of Consumer Marketing | 28 | 45 |
19. | Journal of International Marketing | 28 | 44 |
20. | Managing Service Quality: An International Journal | 28 | 40 |
Top publications – Human Computer Interaction
Publication | h5-index | h5-median | |
1. | Computer Human Interaction (CHI) | 84 | 124 |
2. | Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) | 46 | 72 |
3. | ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology | 41 | 66 |
4. | Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing (HUC) | 40 | 71 |
5. | International Journal of Human-Computer Studies | 34 | 47 |
6. | IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing | 32 | 58 |
7. | ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction | 32 | 52 |
8. | Interacting with Computers | 31 | 47 |
9. | Mobile HCI | 30 | 40 |
10. | Behaviour & Information Technology | 28 | 38 |
11. | ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) | 27 | 43 |
12. | International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction | 25 | 42 |
13. | International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction | 24 | 39 |
14. | IEEE Transactions on Haptics | 24 | 36 |
15. | ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS) | 24 | 35 |
16. | International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) | 24 | 35 |
17. | Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics (SI3D) | 24 | 35 |
18. | Conference on Designing interactive systems | 23 | 35 |
19. | User Modeling | 23 | 33 |
20. | International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI) | 22 | 36 |
A list of HCI-related journals
HCI Journals | HCI, computing & information technology | HCI & interaction design | HCI & design | HCI & learning technology | HCI, communication & collaborative work | HCI & technology impact | HCI & accessibility | HCI & ergonomics | HCI, multimedia & virtual reality | Other relevant journals
HCI Journals
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (ACM). ACM TOCHI seeks to be the premier archival journal in the multidisciplinary field of human-computer interaction.
AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (Association of Information Systems). THCI is a high-quality peer-reviewed international scholarly journal on Human-Computer Interaction, emphasizing applications in business, managerial, organizational, and cultural contexts.
Behaviour and Information Technology (Taylor & Francis). BIT focuses on the human aspects of information technology, on which much of our developed world depends
e-Minds: International Journal on Human-Computer Interaction (on-line; The Human Communication and Interaction Research Group, Department of Computer Science of the University of Oviedo Spain). The goal of eMinds is to develop the study of current practice, content, technology, and services on Human-Computer Interaction.
Human Technology (online; Agora centre, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland). Human Technology is an interdisciplinary, multiscientific journal focusing on the human role in our modern technological world.
Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction (Now Publishers). Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction publishes surveys and tutorials on the foundations of human-computer interaction.
Human–Computer Interaction (Taylor & Francis). An interdisciplinary journal defining and reporting on the challenging issues in making computational technology work for people, Human-Computer Interaction publishes theoretical, empirical, and methodological articles on the user sciences and system design as it affects individual users, work groups, communities, and social and organizational settings.
Interacting with Computers (Elsevier; British Computer Society). Interacting with Computers acts as an international forum for the discussion of HCI issues; fosters communication between academic researchers and practitioners; encourages the flow of information across the boundaries of its contributing disciplines; stimulates ideas and provokes widespread discussion with a forward-looking perspective.
Interfaces (magazine, British Computer Society). The magazine promotes HCI and its community in all facets, representing its diversity and exemplifying its professional values by promoting knowledge, understanding and awareness.
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction (Taylor & Francis). The International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction addresses the cognitive, social, health, and ergonomic aspects of interactive computing. It emphasizes the human element in relation to the systems in which humans function, operate, network, and communicate, including software, hardware, and their various contexts of use. The journal publishes original articles including reviews and reappraisals of the literature, empirical studies, and quantitative and qualitative contributions to the theories of HCI.
International Journal of Human–Computer Studies (Elsevier). The International Journal of Human-Computer Studies publishes original research over the whole spectrum of work relevant to the theory and practice of innovative interactive systems. The journal is inherently interdisciplinary, covering research in computing, artificial intelligence, psychology, linguistics, communication, design, engineering, and social organization.
International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (IGI Global). IJTHI provides a platform for leading research that addresses issues of human and technology interaction. The research that the journal intends to publish should therefore be interdisciplinary and include aspects from a wide variety of disciplines.
Journal of Usability Studies (Usability Professionals’ Association). The Journal of Usability Studies (JUS) is a peer-reviewed, international, online publication dedicated to promoting and enhancing the practice, research, and education of user experience design and evaluation.
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces (Springer). The journal focuses on multimodal interfaces developed with an emphasis on user-centric design. Thus, usability and architectural considerations are also key targets.
User Experience (magazine, Usability Professionals’ Association). UX is a magazine by and about usability professionals, featuring significant and unique articles dealing with the broad field of usability and the user experience.
User Modelling and User-Adapted Interaction (Springer) User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI) provides an interdisciplinary forum for the dissemination of new research results on interactive computer systems that can be adapted or adapt themselves to their current users, and on the role of user models in the adaptation process.
HCI, computing & information technology
ACM Communications (of the) (magazine, ACM). CACM is a leading print and online publication for the computing and information technology fields. Read by computing’s leading professionals worldwide, it brings in-depth coverage of emerging areas of computer science, new trends in information technology, and practical applications.
IEEE Computer (magazine, IEEE). Computer magazine covers all aspects of computer science. For more than 40 years, developers, researchers, and managers have relied on Computer for timely, peer-reviewed information about research, trends, best practices, and changes in the profession.
Information Technology and People (Emerald). The journal emphasizes an agenda to publish hermeneutic, critical, ethnographic and language-focused original research and theory in information systems.
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (IGI Global). The primary purpose of the JOEUC is to provide a forum to information technology educators, researchers, and practitioners to advance the practice and understanding of organizational and end user computing.
Journal of Universal Computer Science (online; standalone of a scientific publisher or academic association). The Journal of Universal Computer Science – is a high-quality electronic publication that deals with all aspects of computer science.
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (Springer). Personal and Ubiquitous Computing publishes peer-reviewed international research on handheld, wearable and mobile information devices and the pervasive communications infrastructure that supports them to enable the seamless integration of technology and people in their everyday lives.
Pervasive and Mobile Computing (Elsevier). The PMC is a professional, peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality scientific articles (both theory and practice) covering all aspects of pervasive computing and communications
Technovation (Elsevier). The journal encompasses all facets of the process of technological innovation from conceptualization of a new technology–based product or process through commercial utilization.
HCI & interaction design
ACM Interactions (magazine, ACM). Interactions is a magazine intended for professionals interested in the connections between experiences, people and technology.
Boxes and Arrows (magazine; online; standalone of a scientific publisher or academic association). Boxes and Arrows is devoted to the practice, innovation, and discussion of design; including graphic design, interaction design, information architecture and the design of business.
Digital Creativity (Taylor & Francis). Digital Creativity publishes articles of interest to those involved in the practical task and theoretical aspects of making or using digital media in creative contexts. By the term ‘creative arts’ we include such disciplines as fine art, graphic design, illustration, photography, printmaking, sculpture, 3D design, interaction design, product design, textile and fashion design, film making, animation, games design, music, dance, drama, creative writing, poetry, interior design, architecture, and urban design.
Interaction Design and Architecture(s) (IXD&A) (magazine; online; standalone of a scientific publisher or academic association).IxD&A aims to offer an interdisciplinary arena where everybody can present top level researches and discuss ideas on the future of technology mediated experiences in the field of communication, learning, working, entertainment, healthcare, etc…) a future that can be made possible by a joint effort in research and education.
HCI & design
CoDesign: the International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts (Taylor & Francis). CoDesign is inclusive, encompassing collaborative, co-operative, concurrent, human-centred, participatory, socio-technical and community design among others. Research in any design domain concerned specifically with the nature of collaboration design is of relevance to the Journal.
Design Issues (MIT Press). The first American academic journal to examine design history, theory, and criticism, Design Issues provokes inquiry into the cultural and intellectual issues surrounding design.
Design Studies (Elsevier). Design Studies is the only journal to approach the understanding of design from comparisons across all domains of application, including engineering and product design, architectural design and planning, computer artefacts and systems design.
International Journal of Design (online, standalone of a scientific publisher or academic association). The International Journal of Design is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal devoted to publishing research papers in all fields of design, including industrial design, visual communication design, interface design, animation and game design, architectural design, urban design, and other design related fields.
International Journal of Technology and Design Education (Springer). The International Journal of Technology and Design Education encourages research and scholarly writing covering all aspects of technology and design education.
HCI & learning technology
Research in Learning Technology (Taylor and Francis, Association of Learning Technology (ALT)). Research in Learning Technology is the journal of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT). It aims to raise the profile of research in learning technology, encouraging research that informs good practice and contributes to the development of policy. The journal publishes papers concerning the use of technology in learning and teaching in all sectors of education, as well as in industry.
Computer Science Education (Taylor & Francis).Computer Science Education aims to publish high-quality papers with a specific focus on teaching and learning within the computing discipline that are accessible and of interest to educators, researchers, and practitioners alike.
Computers & Education (Elsevier). The journal is an established technically-based, interdisciplinary forum for communication in the use of all forms of computing in this socially and technologically significant area of application and will continue to publish definitive contributions to serve as a reference standard against which the current state-of-the-art can be assessed.
Education and Information Technologies (Springer, IFIP TC on Education). The journal covers the complex relationships between information and communication technologies and education and provides perspectives at all levels, from the micro of specific applications or instances of use in classrooms to macro concerns of national policies and major projects; from classes of five year olds to adults in tertiary institutions; from teachers and administrators, to researchers and designers; from institutions to open, distance and lifelong learning.
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (IEEE). TLT covers research on such topics as Innovative online learning systems, Intelligent tutors, Educational software applications and games, and Simulation systems for education and training.
Interactive Learning Environments (Taylor & Francis). ILE publishes peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of the design and use of interactive learning environments in the broadest sense, encompassing environments that support individual learners through to environments that support collaboration amongst groups of learners or co-workers.
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning (Inderscience). The objectives of the IJCEELL are to help professionals working in the field, educators, training providers and policy-makers to disseminate information and to learn from each other’s work.
Learning, Media & Technology (Taylor & Francis). Learning, Media and Technology is an international, peer-reviewed journal that aims to stimulate debate on the interaction of innovations in educational theory, practices, media and educational technologies.
Techtrends: A Journal of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (Springer). TechTrends is a leading journal for professionals in the educational communication and technology field. Among the topics addressed are the management of media and programs, the application of educational technology principles and techniques to instructional programs, and corporate and military training.
HCI, communication & collaborative work
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) (Springer). The journal disseminates innovative research results and provides an interdisciplinary forum for the debate and exchange of ideas concerning theoretical, practical, technical, and social issues in CSCW.
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication (IEEE). The journal is devoted to the study, development, improvement, and promotion of techniques for preparing, organizing for use, processing, editing, collecting, conserving, and disseminating any form of information in the electrical and electronics fields.
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (Springer, International Society of the Learning Sciences).IJCSCL fosters a deep understanding of the nature, theory, and practice of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL).
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (World Scientific). IJCIS addresses the intricacies of cooperative work in the framework of distributed interoperable information systems. It provides a forum for the presentation and dissemination of research covering all aspects of CIS design, requirements, functionality, implementation, deployment, and evolution.
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (Wiley). JCMC is a web-based, peer-reviewed scholarly journal focusing on social science research on computer-mediated communication via the Internet, the World Wide Web, and wireless technologies. The journal is broadly interdisciplinary, publishing work by scholars in communication, business, education, political science, sociology, media studies, information science, and other disciplines.
HCI & technology impact
Information and Organisation (Elsevier). The journal seeks to publish original scholarly articles on the relationships between information technologies and social organization. Of special interest are contributions on the social construction of information technologies, the implications of information technologies for organizational change, alternative organizational designs such as virtual and networked organizations, information system development, organizational governance and control, accounting systems, globalization, decision processes, organizational learning, ethics of information, organizational communication and organizational culture.
Technology in Society (Elsevier). Technology in Society is an international journal devoted to a range of interdisciplinary fields most simply identified by the terms: technology assessment, science, technology and society; management of technology; technology and policy; the economics of technology; technology transfer, appropriate technology and economic development; ethical and value implications of science and technology; science and public policy; and technology forecasting.
he Information Society (Taylor & Francis). The Information Society provides a forum for thoughtful commentary and discussion of significant topics in the world of information, such as transborder data flow, regulatory issues, the impact of the information industry, information as a determinant of public and private organizational performance, and information and the sovereignty of the public and private organizational performance, and information and the sovereignty of the public.
Telematics and Informatics (Elsevier). Telematics and Informatics is an interdisciplinary journal examining the social, economic, political and cultural impacts and challenges of information and communication technologies.
AI & Society: Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication (Springer). The journal focuses on the issues of policy, design and management of information, communications and new media technologies, with a particular emphasis on cultural, social, cognitive, economic, ethical and philosophical implications.
HCI & accessibility
ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (ACM). TACCESS is a quarterly journal that publishes refereed articles addressing issues of computing as it impacts the lives of people with disabilities.
Disability & Society (Taylor & Francis). Disability & Society is an international journal providing a focus for debate about such issues as human rights, discrimination, definitions, policy and practices. It appears against a background of change in the ways in which disability is viewed and responded to.
Universal Access in the Information Society (Springer). This journal addresses the accessibility, usability, and, ultimately, acceptability of Information Society Technologies by anyone, anywhere, at anytime, and through any media and device.
HCI & ergonomics
Applied Ergonomics (Elsevier). Applied Ergonomics is aimed at ergonomists and all those interested in applying ergonomics/human factors in the design, planning and management of technical and social systems at work or leisure.
Cognition, Technology and Work (Springer). Cognition, Technology & Work focuses on the practical issues of human interaction with technology within the context of work and, in particular, how human cognition affects, and is affected by, work and working conditions.
Ergonomics (Taylor & Francis). The journal Ergonomics is an international multi-disciplinary refereed publication, with a 50 year tradition of disseminating high quality research. Original submissions, both theoretical and applied, are invited from across the subject, including physical, cognitive, organisational and environmental ergonomics.
Human Factors (Sage, Human Factors Society – HFS). The journal presents original works of scientific merit that contribute to the understanding and advancement of the systematic consideration of people in relation to machines, systems, tools, and environments.
HCI, multimedia & virtual reality
IEEE MultiMedia (IEEE). IEEE MultiMedia covers multiple media types, used harmoniously together in creating new experiences in areas such as image processing, video processing, audio analysis, text retrieval and understanding, data mining and analysis, and data fusion.
Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer). Multimedia Tools and Applications publishes original research articles on multimedia development and system support tools as well as case studies of multimedia applications.
New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia (Taylor & Francis). NRHM provides a focus for research and a source of information on practical and theoretical developments in hypermedia, hypertext, interactive multimedia and related technologies. These highly innovative systems allow the integration of images, sound, text and data to form powerful tools for information retrieval; by linking multimedia with mass storage, they can provide users with a more diverse and richly textured information environment.
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments (MIT Press). Incorporating perspectives from physics to philosophy, Presence appeals to a wide audience – particularly mechanical and electrical engineers concerned with teleoperators; those interested in virtual environments, including computer scientists, high-tech artists, and media people; and psychologists involved in the study of human-machine interfaces and sensorimotor/cognitive behavior.
Other relevant journals
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (ACM). ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) is a scholarly journal that publishes the highest quality papers about the design and evaluation of computer software that helps people find, organize, analyze, and use information in a variety of media.
Cognitive Science: A Multidisciplinary Journal (Wiley). Cognitive Science publishes articles in all areas of cognitive science, covering such topics as knowledge representation, inference, memory processes, learning, problem solving, planning, perception, natural language understanding, connectionism, brain theory, motor control, intentional systems, and other areas of interdisciplinary concern. The audience is primarily researchers in cognitive science and its associated fields, including anthropologists, education researchers, psychologists, philosophers, linguists, computer scientists, neuroscientists, and roboticists.
Computers in Human Behaviour (Elsevier). A scholarly journal dedicated to examining the use of computers from a psychological perspective. The journal addresses both the use of computers in psychology, psychiatry and related disciplines as well as the psychological impact of computer use on individuals, groups and society.
Decision Support Systems (Elsevier). DSS welcomes contributions on the concepts and operational basis for DSSs, techniques for implementing and evaluating DSSs, DSS experiences, and related studies. In treating DSS topics, manuscripts may delve into, draw-on, or expand such diverse areas as artificial intelligence, cognitive science, computer supported cooperative work, data base management, decision theory, economics, linguistics, management science, mathematical modeling, operations management psychology, user interface management systems, and others.
Electronic Commerce Research (Springer). Electronic Commerce Research serves as a catalyst for new research and a forum for disseminating the latest findings in all facets of electronic commerce. The journal’s broad scope encompasses core enabling technologies as well as the implications of these technologies for societies, economies, businesses, and individuals.
Entertainment Computing (Elsevier). Entertainment Computing publishes original, peer-reviewed research articles and serves as a forum for stimulating and disseminating innovative research ideas, emerging technologies, empirical investigations, state-of-the-art methods and tools in all aspects of digital entertainment, new media, entertainment computing, gaming, robotics, toys and applications among researchers, engineers, social scientists, artists and practitioners.
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (IEEE). TAC is intended to be a cross disciplinary and international archive journal aimed at disseminating results of research on the design of systems that can recognize, interpret, and simulate human emotions and related affective phenomena.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part A Systems and Humans (IEEE). In the human-machine systems area, Part A covers human systems and human organizational interactions including cognitive ergonomics, system test and evaluation, and human information processing concerns in systems and organizations.
Information Systems (Elsevier). The journal publishes articles concerning the design and implementation of languages, data models, process models, algorithms, software and hardware for information systems.
Information and Management (Elsevier). The journal serves managers, professionals, database administrators and senior executives of organizations which design, implement and manage Information Systems Applications.
Information, Communication & Society (Taylor & Francis). Drawing together the most current work upon the social, economic and cultural impact of the emerging properties of the new information and communications technologies, this journal positions itself at the centre of contemporary debates about the information age.
International Journal of User-Driven Healthcare (IGI Global). IJUDH is a refereed, applied research journal designed to provide comprehensive coverage and understanding of clinical problem solving in healthcare. User-driven healthcare aims at improved healthcare through clinical problem solving utilizing concerted experiential learning in conversations between multiple users and stakeholders, primarily patients, health professionals, and other actors in a care giving collaborative network across a Web interface.
Systems Research and Behavioral Science (Wiley). Systems Research and Behavioral Science publishes original articles on new theories, experimental research, and applications relating to all levels of living and non-living systems. Its scope is comprehensive, dealing with systems approaches to: the redesign of organisational and societal structures; the management of administrative and business processes; problems of change management; the implementation of procedures to increase the quality of work and life; the resolution of clashes of norms and values; social cognitive processes; modelling; the introduction of new scientific results, etc. The editors especially want manuscripts of a theoretical or empirical nature which have broad interdisciplinary implications not found in a journal devoted to a single discipline.
Α. Οδηγίες για Διπλωματικές Εργασίες στο:
Μεταπτυχιακό Νέα Μέσα Επικοινωνίας και Ψηφιακό Μάρκετινγκ πατήστε εδώ
Β. Τμήμα Ψηφιακών Μέσων και Επικοινωνίας δείτε για τις πτυχιακές εδώ
Που μπορώ να βρω τι έχουν κάνει άλλοι στο τομέα πριν από εμένα (έρευνες-μελέτες-άρθρα):
1. (Σύνδεση από βιβλιοθήκη για να έχετε πρόσβαση ή εργαστήριο)
2. – Έρευνα σε αρχείο διδακτορικών διατριβών που είναι και στα Ελληνικά
5. Οδηγός από το ΑΠΘ για το πως κάνω αναζήτηση
6. Εισαγωγικό Βιβλίο HCI (εφόσον η εργασία σας αφορά Επικοινωνία Ανθρώπου Υπολογιστή)
7. Στο κεφάλαιο Αναφορές γράφω με APA style ή με IEEE
7a. Οδηγίες για το πως συντάσω το APA style 1 ή οδηγίες APA style 2 και βίντεο
7b. Μόνο αν μου το ζητήσει ο καθηγητής μπορεί να γίνει και με IEEE (οδηγίες σύνταξης) βίντεο
8. Πρότυπο πτυχιακής Τμήμα Ψηφιακών Μέσων και Επικοινωνίας
Αφού διάβασες όλα τα παραπάνω συμπλήρωσε την παρακάτω φόρμα και επικοινώνησε μαζί μου: